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The melody parts will generally be suitable for recorders, violin, flute, etc; but the lower parts are specifically intended for young violinists, some suitable from the very first term, others only a year or two later.  Brief notes on the music sheets themselves provide some information for teachers, and further background comments are set out under Violin Comment.

  • The music is presented in a book format, and is viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Each page can be printed separately - simply remember to select the printer setting "fit to page".
  • To listen to a piece, simply click its title.  This will trigger a full performance with violin, recorder and piano accompaniment.
  • To hear just the melody line and violin accompaniment click the first bar of the melody - (these are midi files - October 2020 -  if clicked, my browser automatically downloads them.   Click a downloaded file and a media player will play it, and with the player minimised the music can be read at the same time!)
  • To hear the tuning of the four violin strings press here: G     D